Stay informed on the biggest issues affecting rangatahi in the 2023 NZ General Election.
All Episodes10

People tell us what they are struggling to afford
From June 2022 to June 2023, grocery food prices alone increased 12.8%.

Voters tell us why they’re voting - and why they’re not
At the last election over 77,000 people between the ages of 18-24 didn’t vote.

Is the ‘truancy crisis’ really a crisis? We ask students
Only 60% of students went to school regularly in Term 1 of this year.

TVNZ Young Voters' Debate
Watch the full replay of the debate on the issues affecting young people this election.

Should gender be part of sex education?
Currently there are guidelines for teaching relationship and sexuality education (RSE).

Do voters feel like youth crime is getting worse?
We asked them if the issue will affect how they vote in the upcoming election.

People tell us the last time they went to the dentist
“If it was free, fucking oath, I’m there.”

Trans hate: Young voters on whether enough is being done
Rangatahi tell us if being done to keep trans and non-binary people safe in Aotearoa.

'Fucking extortionate': How the cost of living is swaying people's votes
We talked with young people about the cost of living crisis and how it will impact their vote.

We asked people whether we should remove GST on food
“Yes please… because I’m hungry.”
About this series
Take a deep dive on the stats behind the biggest issues this election.
Policy breakdown: Housing
What will different political parties do to fix our housing crisis?
Policy breakdown: Crime and justice
Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on crime and justice.
The generational divide this election
We use Vote Compass data to get an insight on how different generations think about the big issues.
Policy breakdown: Health
Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on health.
Policy breakdown: climate change
Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on climate.
Policy breakdown: Rainbow rights
Here's what political parties say they'll do about rainbow rights if they're elected.
Policy breakdown: Cost of living
Get an overview of each New Zealand political parties' policy on cost of living.
Policy breakdown: Education
Here's what political parties say they'll do about education.