Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai
Practical mindfulness tools told through a Te Ao Māori worldview with honest kōrero, humour and shared stories.
Learning we are not alone | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 10
Wāti and her sister Meadow talk about their bond growing up together in the final episode.
Sound and energy healing with Ngaronoa and Komako | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 9
Lie down, close your eyes, listen closely and enjoy the experience of Pūngao Ora, Mauri Ora.
The five pillars of whare kōrero | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 8
Paraone Tai Tin explains how the five pillars of whare kōrero can guide your life.
Learn about yoga and the mindfulness pillars with Destiny | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 7
"If it gets too hard, just speak to anyone...just speak up."
Learn about te hā, the breath, with Kristina | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 6
"Everything we do always starts with te hā."
This new mindfulness series gives rangatahi the tools for survival
Just in time for mental health awareness week, Re: is launching a new hauora series.
Learn a meditation for feeling safe with Zakara | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 1
“I didn’t know how to be safe, because no one teaches you how to be safe."
Learn hīkoi aroā mindful walking with Manu | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai l Ep 2
“I thought I was good at staying happy and seeing the best out of every situation. But I wasn’t really good at healing and dealing with…
Learn yoga with Christine | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 3
In this episode, we practice a yoga sequence in te reo Māori with Christine Russell.
Learn māuri tau mindful meditation with Te Aorangi | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 4
In this episode of Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai, we learn Māuri Tau, mindful meditation.
Learn mindful communication with Wāti | Mānawa Maiea te Atawhai | Ep 5
“I wish I knew about mindful communication earlier."