The Hahana Awards is the first awards’ show celebrating the best Māori content creators Aotearoa has to offer – and you can have your say on who gets what!
Hosted by social media influencers Waiata Jennings (TikTok: @waiata.jennings) Tahu Hollis (@tahuhollis) and Haukatanga Heta (@haukatangi_heta), the Hahana Awards celebrate Māori content creators for the unique mahi they’re doing. There are five awards up-for-grabs…
- Entertainer of the year (te kaiwhakangahau o te tau)
- Kaupapa of the year (te kaupapa o te tau)
- Online reo champ of the year (te mumu reo o te tau i te ipurangi)
- Breakout creator of the year (te ringa auaha hou o te tau)
- Creator of the year (te ringa auaha o te tau)
The awards lineup features a wide range of Māori content creators. They include Maimoa Creative, Te Aorere Pe-whairangi, Joe Daymond, Sonny Ngatai, Jordi Legit, Mummas Kitchen and Amy Maynard.
Uncle Tics (@uncletics) is up for two awards: Entertainer of the Year and Creator of the Year. Uncle Tics rose to TikTok fame after sharing what it’s like living with tourettes. He now has over 2.6M followers on the platform.
Broxh is another contender for the big Creator of the Year award. Broxh is a Māori woodcarver who has reached 1.4M followers on Twitch. Last year, Jacina Ardern visited him while he was practicing the art of whakairo.
The third and final nominee for Creator of the Year is Jimi Jackson. Jimi now has over 1M followers on both Facebook and YouTube.
You can vote for who gets what award at the Hahana Awards website.
We’ll also be live streaming the event tonight (July 1st) at 7pm on our Facebook page, check it out!