These teens want gender neutral bathrooms in all NZ high schools

By Liam van Eeden and Matiu Hamuera
“People look at me and they don't see me how I see myself.”
A gender neutral bathroom is a place available for anyone to use at any time, regardless of their gender identity. A group of students from Albany Senior High School known as Gender Neutral Bathrooms NZ (GNBNZ) are advocating for gender neutral bathrooms to be installed in all schools in Aotearoa.
In 2020, the Labour Party promised they would work to build gender neutral bathrooms in high schools. Gender Neutral Bathrooms NZ (GNBNZ) and InsideOUT Kōaro are urging Labour to uphold their 2020 campaign promises by providing additional funding for schools to enable them to construct gender neutral bathrooms. They are now running a parliament petition in hopes to make this a reality.
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