Mahi Tahi Media

Kōhanga reo shortage across New Zealand leaves Māori whānau desperate

“Absolutely, all Māori children should have access to Māori medium education and knowledge.”

Would you rather: know how you die, or when you die?

“Live it up till that moment comes, and then woop”

We asked people: Can you wear moko if you don’t whakapapa Māori?

It's a question that has sparked much conversation over the years

The power of kapa haka: Increasing confidence and engagement in kura

“Kapa haka is a way for us to identify who we are and where we come from.”

Why I want to return tukutuku panels to all wharenui up north

“The whole point is to inspire and invigorate people’s interest in this sort of practice.”

Would you rather: pause time or rewind time

“I’d die with both of those options”

How to make boil up on a budget

Here’s a cheap recipe from Aunty Trish to help feed your flat or whānau.

Guessing kupu Māori: Whisper Challenge

“For me it was easy.”
“Don’t lie, bro.”

Why I created a 5-storey mural of Hana Te Hemara, pioneer of Te Wiki o te reo Māori

“I knew it would challenge people's thinking, but that’s another day in the office for me”

‘There’s no B in te reo Māori’: Whisper Challenge

Here’s a fun way to add some new kupu to your kite this Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori.

How to make fry bread on a budget

“It’s definitely a treat - but one you won’t regret later.”

How to cook hāngī on a budget

"If we can make yummy kai like this on a reasonable budget, we’re winning.”

We challenged fast fashion addicts to find an op shop fit in 10 mins

“Looking like a million bucks for a dollar."

Is it OK to buy your own pounamu? Tikanga explained

“This work connects me to my ancestors - to my dad and the work he does."

Taking waka ama from Waikato to the world

"When I'm on the water, it's always energising and makes me feel happy."

Dad and I had our reo taken: Here’s how we got it back

“My children won’t feel the same shame my dad and I once felt.”

Meet the NZ DJ who turned Twitch into a full-time job

“Being yourself is so much more valuable than trying to mimic or trying to imitate someone else.”

Candidate for world’s best job: travelling Aotearoa with horses

“Māori really know how to connect to horses. The horse can really sense that spiritual essence..."

Hidden Figure$: The secret Insta account helping people grow & save cash

“What does it take to blow $10,000 a year? Just $27.40 a day in miscellaneous spending.”

How to ask your boss for a pay rise

Asking for a raise can feel awkward, uncomfortable and just plain terrifying.

How this trainee navigator uses a star compass to sail waka

“It’s not as though this knowledge is new, it’s an intrinsic part of who we are.”

Why the Māori King’s daughter met with Prince Charles in London

“I’ll be honest, my greatest desire is for all Māori land to be returned to Māori.”

‘Infertility doesn’t discriminate’: 26-year-old shares IVF journey

“Only on an IVF journey do you get excited about having good eggs”.

How to say your pepeha: Tikanga explained

“Every iwi has their own way of reciting their pepeha.”

Inside NZ’s pro wrestling scene: ‘Step in the ring if you think it’s fake’

“We do have some good guys, we do have some bad guys but both feed off the same energy.”

Building a Sydney marae: Our culture must thrive in another land

“We are told from our people, we need this.”

How Māori celebrants are indigenising weddings

“For some people it’s just wanting to pay homage or incorporate their culture.”

‘I’ll take the leftovers’: rangatahi react to eating kina

“I have eaten kina once in my whole entire life: I know, 10 brownie points taken off me as a Māori.”

Why 23-year-old TV personality D'Angelo Martin gave up alcohol

“I want to live how our ancestors did.”
“Ko te hiahia kia ora pērā i te wā e ora ai o mātou tīpuna.