Te Ahipourewa Forbes
What is koha and how much should I give?
How koha should be used appropriately.
NZ’s first-ever sports documentary in te reo Māori
“Being Maori is an X-Factor and I hope that’s the wairua people feel when they watch it.”
Following the biggest hīkoi to Waitangi in a generation
“We’re not going anywhere.”
What actually happens at Waitangi on Waitangi Day
Waitangi day vibes explained.
Is it appropriate for non-Māori to have a moko?
Ringa moko (Māori tattoo artist) Cody Hollis explains.
Why Māori plant their whenua/placenta
A tikanga Māori birthing practitioner explains.
Rules around pepeha for non-Māori
Te reo Māori educator Hemi Kelly explains pepeha for non-Māori.
Maramataka: What if our big holiday break was in winter, not summer
The maramataka is the traditional Māori lunar calendar.
'At 21 years old... this was not the plan': NZ's youngest MP
We followed New Zealand’s youngest MP in 170 years as she delivered her maiden speech in Parliament.
How to eat like our tīpuna did
Why food security and food sovereignty are so important
Māori activists explain why they're marching against the new government
There are no “gentle respectful words” to describe the new government, Quack Pirihi says.
Why women don’t whaikōrero
Is colonisation the reason why wāhine don’t whaikōrero?
How Māori tangihanga work
Should you take flowers? Do you wear black? And how many days does a tangi go for?
Five rights renters have - but might not know about
Both renters and landlords have legal rights. As a renter do you know all your rights?
Voters tell us why they’re voting - and why they’re not
At the last election over 77,000 people between the ages of 18-24 didn’t vote.
'Connecting with ourselves': What Te Wiki o te Reo Māori means to me
“Patua te whakamā, don't be ashamed, learning is a process, and learning is a journey."
No, you don't get an extra vote if you're on the Māori roll
So what is the difference between being on the Māori roll and being on the general roll?
Why Aroha has to use a Pākehā name when applying for rentals
“I think that's extremely illustrative of the discrimination that happens in the [rental] sector.”
Why Matariki falls on a different day each year
Matariki is very much connected to the kai we receive throughout the year.
People tell us what they're doing for Matariki
“Drink some beers, self-reflect, go to the gym.”
Mānawatia a Matariki! Where to celebrate Matariki around NZ
Matariki is coming up, which is a time for celebrations, reflection and looking forward.
Five ways to embrace Matariki
This year, the Matariki public holiday falls on July 14.
MDMA to be trialled on terminal cancer patients in NZ
Psychedelic-assisted therapy could potentially to completely change how we treat diseases.
Why I care about decolonising the ikura/period
"...society and wāhine have so much to learn about the way that our tupuna were innovators.”
Germany returns Māori and Moriori remains to Aotearoa
Those involved say a significant amount of work has gone into returning these ancestors.
Scene of 1920 shooting becomes NZ’s first rainbow heritage listed building
“This is a really groundbreaking listing for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga.”
Being online is good for something: preventing dementia
My life has not been a waste.
This web tool replaces coronation news with Indigenous stories
“Our hapori is fatigued by royal gossip and I feel like we deserve the option to opt-out."
‘I get $18 a week to help with rent’: Students on making ends meet
How a new cost of living scholarship could help students.
Taranaki Maunga to get legal personhood – but what does this mean?
The decision follows the preliminary signing of a Treaty settlement last week.