
Restoring the Imbalance of Māori Perspectives in Aotearoa’s History

Arini Loader drops an armful of books on the table in front of us with a thud. Their spines are coloured in deep blacks and rich…

  • 28 Oct 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Mātauranga | Knowledge

The voyage of Polynesian ancestors to these shores has been called the “greatest migration story in the history of mankind”. But we hear very little about…

  • 28 Oct 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Mātauranga | Knowledge

There are 110 statues or monuments in Wellington, but only 10 of those represent Māori narratives. Two strangers, Safari Hynes and Peter McKenzie, meet to discuss…

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Reo | Language

Te Reo Māori was banned in schools in 1867.120 years later it became an official language, but by then only 15% of Māori could speak their mother…

  • 21 Oct 19

Inside Te Urewera: The overdue pardon of Rua Kēnana

Atamira Tumarae-Nuku, 30, stands looking out over the valley at Maungapōhatu. One hundred years ago this was a thriving village home to over 1000 people, but…

  • 21 Oct 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Taiao | Nature

The forest of Te Urewera, in the middle of the North Island, was the first place in the world to be granted legal personhood - all…

  • 21 Oct 19

James Roque is using comedy to heal scars of colonisation

If you’ve ever been caught short you may have popped into the local dairy to grab a few essentials – toothbrush, toothpaste, maybe a bit of…

Kai at Ihumātao is a symbol of aroha and resistance

The makeshift wharekai and kitchen at the Ihumātao occupation is full of activity. People stream in and out of the gazebo tents carrying trays of clean…

Raupatu: Land confiscations explained

The word 'whenua' means both 'placenta' and 'land' in te reo. This is no coincidence - it reflects the deep and symbiotic connection Māori have with…

Ihumātao in photos

Hundreds of people have gathered to protest against a new housing development planned for the land at Ihumātao (Te ihu o Mataaho). The Ihumātao occupation is…

Ihumātao Protests

Young Māori and non-Māori opposing a new housing development at Ihumātao (Te ihu o Mataaho) tell us how the struggle is grounded in New Zealand’s past.

How fireworks are helping decolonise Wellington

This past Sunday, Wellington held its second annual Matariki Sky Show – a fireworks display that is just one event in the dozens organised as part…

New Zealand colonised the Pacific

Re: looks into the often contradicting relationship New Zealand has with Pacific Island nations.