Gender Dysphoria is listed as a disorder, some experts want to change that

Some experts say classifying dysphoria in a manual of mental disorders creates stigma.

‘Not trans enough’: What it took for me to call myself trans

Intimidated about exploring your gender identity? New series The Gender Agenda wants to help you.

NZ's biggest drag show is in Palmy. We talk to the queen behind it

Palmy Drag Fest is a way to educate people that drag is an art form, creator says.

How to find a trusted doctor as a queer person

“I don’t know a queer person who hasn’t had a bad experience with healthcare.”

29 stolen flags won’t stop Winter Pride

“There is more love than there is hate.”

Stop asking people if they’re going to have kids

“People put their own values onto us and think they know better for us.”

'God will send gay people to hell’: Surviving spiritual abuse

Conversion practices were banned two years ago, but survivors say more needs to be done.

3 teenagers tell us what pride means to them

Celebrating pride in schools gives queer students a “light at the end of the tunnel”.

This chest binder changed my life

“It's one of the most important things for a lot of trans-masc individuals.”

3 queer Māori and Pasifika share what helped when they felt suicidal

“I’ve never told anyone this, but I think it’s important to say.”

‘We're meant to be here’: trans woman Paipera Hayes on being a lead actress

The 20-year-old speaks about her journey from foster care to the screen.

Why NZ's biggest rainbow sports tournament matters to me

“Allowing people to play as their authentic self without fear of judgement.”

'The system is so binary’: How the software GPs use is harming queer patients

“The impact this lack of data storage has on patients is huge.”

South Auckland’s queer creative scene you may not know about

“Creativity, through any outlet, helped me understand that the way I’d felt, had a home.”

What it's like being a queer Chinese international student in NZ

"My imagination of NZ was just a fantasy."

How I learnt to wear traditional cultural clothing in a gender-affirming way

"I don’t see why the two have to be separate."

Being queer in a small town doesn’t have to be shit

“If I hadn't moved to small town New Zealand, my life would be a lot smaller.”

What my chosen whānau means to me

"For some people, chosen family is all they have."

What a decade of ballroom means for LGBTTQIA+ Māori

Ballroom culture has just celebrated 10 years in Aotearoa.

‘A hangover of a colonial past’: Why we have narrow views on relationships

The word ‘monogamy’ originates from Greek and European thought.

My Gaydar is broken, I can’t tell who’s gay anymore

Queer style used to be a subculture. I don’t think it is anymore.

When your South Asian identity and queer identity don't feel compatible

"It’s still painful for me to revisit, because it was something that was supposed to be precious.”

A near-fatal accident gave me the courage to tell my family I was trans | Young and Aumangea

Mason broke his neck after diving into a pool at 18. In the documentary Young and Aumangea, we see him five years after his accident, and…

Growing up trans in rural NZ: My first school ball

"I’ve always known who I am.”

Should straight people go to gay bars | School for Straights

“For some people, these safe spaces like clubs are their only spaces."

Rainbow refugees come to NZ to find safety, but say the system is not built for them

New Zealand welcomes refugees who are persecuted in their home country for being part of the rainbow community. But the experience isn’t always a safe haven. 


I’m intersex and I wish doctors had left my body alone

"I woke up out of the surgery and I just felt hollow."

Miss Arielle: New Zealand’s first trans beauty queen

Meet Miss Arielle Keil, New Zealand’s first transgender beauty pageant queen.

Three drag queens make Nigella Lawson's margarita chocolate cake

Auckland drag trio Les Femmes put their baking skills to the test with Nigella Lawson’s margarita chocolate cake.

Joan was tortured for being gay, and she’s not alone

For 12 years, Joan was forcibly subjected to electroconvulsive therapy.