This chest binder changed my life

“It's one of the most important things for a lot of trans-masc individuals.”

What a decade of ballroom means for LGBTTQIA+ Māori

Ballroom culture has just celebrated 10 years in Aotearoa.

A near-fatal accident gave me the courage to tell my family I was trans | Young and Aumangea

Mason broke his neck after diving into a pool at 18. In the documentary Young and Aumangea, we see him five years after his accident, and…

Growing up trans in rural NZ: My first school ball

"I’ve always known who I am.”

Should straight people go to gay bars | School for Straights

“For some people, these safe spaces like clubs are their only spaces."

Rainbow refugees come to NZ to find safety, but say the system is not built for them

New Zealand welcomes refugees who are persecuted in their home country for being part of the rainbow community. But the experience isn’t always a safe haven. 


I’m intersex and I wish doctors had left my body alone

"I woke up out of the surgery and I just felt hollow."

Miss Arielle: New Zealand’s first trans beauty queen

Meet Miss Arielle Keil, New Zealand’s first transgender beauty pageant queen.

Three drag queens make Nigella Lawson's margarita chocolate cake

Auckland drag trio Les Femmes put their baking skills to the test with Nigella Lawson’s margarita chocolate cake.

Joan was tortured for being gay, and she’s not alone

For 12 years, Joan was forcibly subjected to electroconvulsive therapy.

Casting trans actors to play trans characters can change lives

We talk to the cast and crew of Rūrangi about how positive trans representation can save lives.

For queer youth in NZ, homelessness is a real fear

1 in 5 trans people in New Zealand have experienced homelessness. We look at why.

A poet, a rapper and a house mother talk gender diversity

A poet (essa may ranapiri), a rapper (Randa) and a house mother (Moe Laga) sit down together for a picnic. They talk gender diversity and the…

How this year’s Pride is different

In the past, Pride felt like a space mainly for white, gay men. People involved in Pride 2020 tell us how that's changing.

Exploring queer identity through stripping

"Honey is soft, Honey is sweet," and Honey is a performer at Bodyhaus, a collective of queer strippers. Honey AKA Logan Collis talks about undermining the…

The trans-exclusionary movement gaining power in NZ

The trans-exclusionary movement has been quietly growing in New Zealand, and this highly-organised campaign has led to deep hurt in the trans community.

In February, a new…

Only gay in the village

Scott and Daegan live in rural Southland and look after Scott's family farm - they are literally the only gays in the village. They share what…

The House of COVEN

Meet C O V E N - the collective of artists, friends and immense talent. Harking back to the NYC Ballroom scene, this legendary house aims…

PrEP - the revolutionary drug for people at-risk HIV

As of March 1, Aotearoa becomes one of the first countries to publicly fund PrEP - an HIV prevention drug that greatly reduces the risk of…

Queer and trans sex education

The team at Salient TV created this incredible & long overdue sex-ed video that is jam packed with important kaupapa. Ka pai!

Revisiting 100 men I've slept with

Paul took reminiscing about past lovers to the next level and made a documentary about it. 100 Men gave Paul the chance to look back on…

House of Drag

Aotearoa has gotten its very own reality drag show, and it's shaping up to be a stunner! Bunny, Vulga, and first ever reality TV drag king,…

Fighting anti-gay laws in Singapore

In Singapore being gay is a criminal offence. Although the law isn't enforced, queer Singaporeans explain how the law makes them feel like second-class citizens in…

Re:visit - Hudson & Halls

The bond shared by Hudson & Halls was truly spectacular. A love story for the ages ?

How roller derby and art helped me feel comfortable in my own

Ariki identifies as takatāpui, a term for those who don't fit into the binaries of gender and sexuality. Roller derby was a fresh start for Ariki,…

Candy Lee

"That adrenaline rush is like a sugar rush" meet Candy Lee - the wrestler whose signature moves are painfully sweet ???

Meet Miss Auckland Fa'afafine

Current reigning Miss Auckland Fa'afafine, Jessica, sat down with us to talk about the similarities and differences between fa'afafine and transgender, her family, and pageant life…

Re:visit - Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer is a groundbreaking, fearless woman; never afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in ???

Transgender: did you know?

Here are something things to know about trans history and the every-strengthening community.

Dungeon Queering

Every Wednesday in a central Auckland dungeon, a group of adventurers fight forces of darkness...and you're welcome to join!