
‘We are not drowning, we are fighting’: powerful indigenous speeches from the global climate…

"This COP, learn our histories, listen to our stories, honour our knowledge."

Chants, cheers, and a vogue circle - the Wellington trans rights protest in photos

“Trans Rights are Human Rights” - the Wellington trans rights protest in photos.

  • 16 Jul 21

This filmmaker is documenting the beginnings of Black NZ identity

Filmmaker Aaraf Adam was in New Zealand during the uprising of the Black Lives Matter movement, and noticed an “identity crisis” among Black Kiwis. She was…

The government has banned exports of live animals by sea

The government has banned the export of live animals by sea, but there's a two year phase out period

Portraits from the Stop Asian Hate march in Tāmaki Makaurau

Hundreds gathered at Aotea Square in Tāmaki Makaurau today for the Stop Asian Hate march. Tunes from the Nepal Festival - which fittingly shared Aotea Square…

The director of I Am Greta tells us why we need to stop being polite about climate change

I Am Greta is a revealing documentary about the life of climate activist Greta Thunberg.

Māori-Asian solidarity in Aotearoa can be game-changing

When we talk about race relations in this country, how often do we consider the relations between Asian tauiwi and tangata whenua? It’s time for all…

Three women under 25 tell us how they'll shape New Zealand

The YWCA has chosen 25 women under the age of 25 for a new project highlighting the power of young wāhine. Re: chatted with three people…

Our favourite quotes from wāhine at our International Women’s Day event

We threw a party to celebrate International Women’s Day, along with our mates The Oh Nine, and asked four powerful wāhine how they found their voice.…

The ‘Huge Beast’ Dominating New Zealand’s Climate Debate

On the morning of the first School Strike 4 Climate in March, there were just three police officers assigned to provide crowd control in Wellington. The…