Mai FM host Tegan Yorwarth talks body image, anxiety and balance | Eating Fried Chicken in the…
Tegan joins James Nokise to talk about getting strange messages and dealing with strange expectation
10 people tell us the best piece of mental health advice they have ever received
Here’s what they said.
Over half of psychologists have scrapped their waiting lists because they are too long
A new survey shows clinical psychologists in private practice can’t keep up.
Comedowns are the worst, but they don’t have to be
What if it’s not the drug that gives comedowns, but instead the way people take it?
NZers found lockdown less stressful than regular life, research shows
Research shows most of us “got on with it, battened down the hatches, and prepared to ride it out”.
A third of young people develop a mental health problem after a concussion, new research shows
The literature review involved nearly 90,000 under 18-year-olds in nine countries including NZ.
Lockdown is over but agoraphobia means I'm still locked inside
Katie Meadows writes about the pain of seeing others go outside while she is still locked in.
Some people with social anxiety are dreading life after lockdown
Lockdown has provided relief to people with social anxiety. The ban on socialising outside of our bubble means some no longer need to force themselves to…
Why are so many young people so anxious?
'It's an overwhelming wave, kind of like you're just dumped into a pool...'. Anxiety in young Kiwis is on the rise, but why? Is toxic social…