
The climate crisis is happening right now in Timor-Leste. I saw it

"It was heartbreaking to see her give up on her dreams.”

Students vs Taranaki oil exploration: High Court dismisses case

Student climate activists argued new oil exploration permits breached New Zealand law.

Four things you need to know about today's big climate report

If global warming continues to rise, there will be less food, faltering economies and more diseases.

2021 was New Zealand’s hottest year on record - NIWA

It says the trend "is consistent with the overall pattern of global warming".

Climate change splitting up albatross couples

New research shows climate change is making it more likely for the usually monogamous albatross to leave their lifelong partners.

Led by Dr Francesco Ventura, the…

Tikanga is crucial to our response to the climate crisis

New research shows tikanga Māori practices are crucial to responding to climate challenges

Māori youth are capturing climate change through photos

Professional photographers are paired with Māori youth in an effort to combat climate change

Students are suing the Government for oil and gas exploration in Taranaki

The students want the High Court to review permits given to two energy companies this year.

‘I’m using petrol until it runs out’: The problem with car culture in NZ

Will our car culture stop us from meeting our climate goals?

Hundreds evacuated in South Island after a weekend of severe rain and flooding

Hundreds of people have spent another night away from their homes on the South Island’s West Coast.

A scientist tells us where to find NZ’s secret glaciers

Did you know Te Ika-a-Māui / the North Island has its own glaciers?

Do you need a freezer in Antarctica? A chef lets us know

Tom Thorpe goes about his job like any other chef, but with one major difference: it's -40C outside.

New Zealanders tell us how they honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Six Kiwis share the various ways we can honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Using poetry to talk about the climate crisis

Jordan Hamel is a writer, poet and award-winning poetry slam performer. He is one of the co-editors of the Climate Change Poetry Anthology, due to be…

How to rebuild a more sustainable New Zealand after Covid-19

Lockdown has shown we can take bold action that would have previously been unthinkable.

Silence for Science

What's an electronically clean environment? It's a place with no light pollution, no atmospheric pollution and no radio transmissions. There is such a place in Antarctica,…

Pasifika voices at the climate strike

In 2012, Tokelau became the first country in the world to switch to 100% renewable energy.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, we’re extending the lives of our coal…

Aotearoa's climate warriors strike in unison

Students across the country ditched school and marched the streets, passionately calling for immediate action on climate change.

How Singapore uses technology to look after trees

Check out the cool pieces of tech hugging Singapore's trees, helping to keep them healthy and feeling the love

Kiwi stormchasers

To most people tornadoes, twisters and thunder all scream 'run!', but for this Christchurch photographer, storms mean one thing: it's all about the chase. ?⛈⚡️

What will NZ look like in 100 years?

Climate change is a hot topic these days, but what does it actually mean for New Zealand? From farewelling paua to losing entire towns, Re: looks…