What changes to the Residential Tenancies Act could mean for you
The Government says the bill aims to encourage more rental properties onto the market.
New year, new tenancy? What landlords can and can’t make you do
Here are a few things to be aware of when navigating a rental agreement.
Policy breakdown: Housing
What will different political parties do to fix our housing crisis?
We have to stop ignoring youth homelessness
“I hope that our people in power can actually recognise and identify that this is a problem."
Cheap rent, compromise and stigma: What it's like living with your parents in your 30s
Is it time we get over the stigma of living with your parents as an adult?
I bought a house with my friend, here is my advice
Co-owning a house with friends isn’t new - but it's rarely tapped into.
‘It's hard without your family’: Teens tell us about living on Auckland's streets
Young and The Reckless is a new documentary about teens who lived on Auckland’s streets.
66% of NZ students struggling to buy food, clothing and pay bills
On average, those living in a shared flat spend 56% of their weekly income on rent.
Budget 2022: Here's what you need to know
The 2022 budget has allocated $128.4 billion towards areas such as health, climate and transport.
Manifesting summer from South Auckland's front yards in lockdown: in photos
Photographer Geoffery Matautia aked his friends what they're most looking forward to in summer.
A Māori health nurse shares how she makes 25% less than DHB nurses | Show Us Your Money
A nurse at a Māori health provider shares how she supports her whānau on a $55K salary.
Rā Lives in a Van | My Life in 3 Minutes
“You'll be amazed at how I fit my life in this van.”
New Zealand has 100,000 empty homes, and 100,000 homeless people
New Zealand has 100,000 empty houses, while also having 100,000 homeless. We explore why.
Homelessness is not just living on the streets: 5 housing workers explain why
When people have no other options, where do they go?
The average house price in NZ is over $900k. Do you think you’ll ever own a home?
“When I was at school, I set a goal of owning a home by the time I was 25. Well, I’m older now and I’m not…
I live in a motel. There are no houses for my disabled daughter and me
Tania has spent the last seven months trying to find a rental house for her and her daughter.
NZ has around 19,000 homeless young people. Lockdown leaves them vulnerable to abuse and harm
It is estimated that half of New Zealand’s 41,000 homeless are under the age of 25.
How NZ’s housing crisis is a human rights failure from government
The Human Rights Commission says New Zealand’s ongoing housing crisis is a human rights issue
1 in 3 students facing housing deprivation had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year
New research shows high school students facing housing deprivation have double the rates of depression and suicidal thoughts.
Based on an analysis of the latest Youth2000 survey,…
How the housing market got so cooked
We all know the housing market’s fucked. But how did it get so bad? Re:’s Cass Marrett went back nearly 40 years to find out.
For the…
Budget 2021: What you need to know
Budget 2021 sees the ‘the biggest lift in a generation’ to benefits, $1 billion for Māori housing, health and education, as well as an overall investment…
NZ’s 120 MPs own 248 properties between them
Owning property is supremely popular with our MPs, according to the latest list of parliamentarians’ investments and properties. Many own multiple places, with one National MP…
How the Government plans to unfuck NZ housing
This morning the Government announced what they will do to address the worsening housing crisis.
It’s all about making it less attractive for property investors to buy…
Renters rights have improved from today
Today changes to the Residential Tenancies Act come into place, in the biggest shake-up of tenancy law in 35 years.
Here are some of the key changes…
The government has completely changed our land and environmental management laws
The Government announced today it will get rid of the Resource Management Act and replace it with three new pieces of legislation. The long-awaited move is…
There are fewer houses available to buy in NZ than ever
The number of houses available to buy in New Zealand hit a new record low in December.
Jacinda Ardern on the song that’s getting her through 2020 | Church and State
19-year-old musician and first-time voter Church meets leader of the Labour Party Jacinda Ardern.
I watched the Young Voters' Debate and was actually entertained
Here are seven highlights from last night's showdown.
The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, but rents are already going up. A lot.
The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, and some landlords are putting up rent as fast as possible. Others tried to illegally raise rents during the…
I got rejected from so many flats, I asked landlords what I was doing wrong
Advice from property managers and landlords on how to get that flat.