
How Māori media has contributed to reo revitalisation

It’s been 30 years since Te Māngai Pāho was created.

'Stories you don't see anywhere else': Here's our award-winning stories

Re: News won best specialist publication at this year's NZ media awards.

Here's our award-winning stories

We're tooting our own horns.

When do we call an attacker a terrorist? We asked three experts

After the Lynn mall terror attack, some Kiwis are confused about language used by media & politician

Disruptors 5: The art of coping and monetising grief

“To be an artist is to suffer.” The old adage coined by famed philosopher Aldous Huxley kicked off the fifth episode of Disruptors, which is the…

Here's our award-winning stories

Last night at the Voyager Media Awards we won in three different categories. So we're going to toot our own horns and show off our award-winning…

Social movements in advertising

Ever noticed your favourite brand getting involved in a social movement for no apparent reason? It's becoming more and more common for companies around the world…

The manipulation of advertising

You might like to think you're immune to those colourful banners and billboards, but is advertising manipulating our brains on the sly? ??

Why we can't have sex with our family

For what could be considered the ultimate taboo, it's surprisingly common in television and movies...what's this fascination with incest all about?

The evolution of the family sitcom

Come with us as we look back at the family sitcom. From nuclear beginnings to the introduction of the dysfunctional family and now more and more…

Conlang - the language of Nerdom

Conlangs are languages spurred from fantasy worlds and far away galaxies, but it doesn't mean they're any less real. We take a look at some of…

New Zealand's Pirate Radio

Radio Hauraki is an icon in Aotearoa's broadcasting history. From evading police to battling the mighty Gulf waters, this is the story of New Zealand's original…

Reliving our childhood with Suzy Cato

Suzy Cato helped to raise a generation of Kiwis, becoming an afternoon staple in living rooms all over the country. We were lucky enough to chat,…

Makeup for all skin types?

Aoteoroa is proud of the multicultural make up of our country. So why is it so hard to find inclusive beauty products for all skin types…

The costume of a terrorist

How would you describe a terrorist? It's a term loaded with racist tropes, reinforced by Hollywood stereotypes. Re: takes a closer look at how this came…

Sexism, racism, sleaze & Aziz

Aziz Ansari made significant steps in the right direction when it came to representation in his show Master of None but off screen was accused of…

Comment sections: What do they say about us?

Frightening, entertaining or just plain rude; comment sections are becoming the major way to discuss big issues in our world. So, what do they say about…

Disability in the media

Diversity of those with disabilities can be often overlooked by mainstream media. Welcome Red Nicholson, creator of Conversations With Crips, a podcast busting media myths surrounding…

Re:visit: Paul Holmes, a controversial legend

"Those were our people today, and that was Holmes tonight". We re:visit the career of the late Sir Paul Holmes, a broadcasting legend who came with…

Memorable media moments

Princess Di's tragic demise, the 9/11 attacks, earthquakes, Kanye interrupting Taylor...which major news events do you remember the most? ???

Racism in the media

Ads, ads, ads - they're everywhere we look, but what happens when you look a little a closer? Re: zooms in on whether the media we…

NZ reality TV villains talk troll culture

Ben and Heather were thrust onto screens around the country this year and quickly found that a lot of NZ didn't really like them. We brought…

Re:visit - Hudson & Halls

The bond shared by Hudson & Halls was truly spectacular. A love story for the ages ?

Cyber Bullying

While there are some age restrictions on games, cyber bullying in the realm of online gaming is prevalent. Through both text and voice chat, slurs of…

Redefining the Kiwi bloke with Tough Talk

Sam O'Sullivan is a clinical psychologist tackling the notion of the Kiwi Bloke with his webseries 'Tough Talk'

Captain Planet: eco-warrior or psychic?

Not only did he rock a green mullet, Captain Planet (along with his trusty Planeteers) predicted some of the natural crises the world is facing today.…

Transngender representation on screen

“I think what's appropriate now is letting trans people tell their own stories." - Jill Soloway, creator of Transparent

TrueBliss- the story of the world's first reality TV popstars

"It was us against the world and then all of a sudden that was shattered." - Joe Cotton chatted with us about the whirlwind that was…