What changes to the Residential Tenancies Act could mean for you
The Government says the bill aims to encourage more rental properties onto the market.
Beneficiaries spending most of their benefit on rent are relying on early payouts to survive
There have been 200,000 advanced payments made to New Zealanders in the last three months alone.
A law student making $250 a week shows us how she spends her money | Show Us Your Money
This law student flatting in Auckland Central receives $230 a week in student loan living costs - which adds to her $60K student loan debt each…
A 28-year-old making $74K shows us his bank account | Show Us Your Money
Here’s how this 28-year-old yo pro living in the Auckland CBD spends his $74K salary. A $74K salary puts him in what is currently the top…
The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, but rents are already going up. A lot.
The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, and some landlords are putting up rent as fast as possible. Others tried to illegally raise rents during the…
I got rejected from so many flats, I asked landlords what I was doing wrong
Advice from property managers and landlords on how to get that flat.
Students are refusing to pay rent for university accommodation they can’t use
Students at halls of residence across the country are being asked to continue to pay for accomodation they can’t access due to Covid-19 restrictions. Halls at…
Living in a shared house comes with a few unspoken rules. Here are a few tips on how you can step up your flat etiquette -…