Te Reo

‘Learning Te Reo helped me form a deeper connection to my Sri Lankan heritage’

We talked to four tauiwi (non-Māori) about their journey with te reo Māori.

‘You’re not going to get a job in te reo Māori’: 3 people who proved this wrong

Today we are seeing the fruits of sacrifices whānau have made in order to save the language.

New Zealand’s first te reo Māori road signs get the go-ahead

One says Haere (go) and one says Taihoa (wait).

‘I don’t want rangatahi to have to fight for our reo’: 6 people on their hopes for te reo Māori

We spoke to 6 people in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, all at different stages of their reo journey.

‘Nau mai te rekareka’: We’ve got some sexy reo Māori for you

It’s important we get to use te reo in all the ways it can be, including the sexy ways!

Meet the artist behind our Te Wiki o te Reo Māori images: Pounamu Wharekawa

Re: commissioned artist Pounamu Wharekawa to create images for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

Affirmations for when you need a reminder of your connection to Te Reo Māori

Ariana Stevens from Reo Māori Mai created some affirmations for those of us on our reo journey.

Welcome to Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori runs 13th-19th September.

10 reo Māori phrases to get you through lockdown

We’ve come up with some useful phrases to get you through the lockdown levels.

Tikanga Māori and Te Ao Māori concepts will be taught at all law schools

Law students will be adding another skillset to their university degrees.

An 18-year-old on the importance of te reo Māori regional dialects

An 18-year-old from Ngāti Porou on the the importance of regional differences in te reo Māori.

Seven students tell us why they’re learning te reo Māori

Seven students tell us why they’re learning te reo Māori.

The power of finding your voice

On a Saturday night in September, dozens of teenagers took to the stage of the Auckland Town Hall. They were there to perform at the grand…

  • 21 Oct 19

Inside Te Urewera: The overdue pardon of Rua Kēnana

Atamira Tumarae-Nuku, 30, stands looking out over the valley at Maungapōhatu. One hundred years ago this was a thriving village home to over 1000 people, but…

  • 21 Oct 19