
Why trans healthcare is fucked and needs fixing | Queer Academy

Watch the fourth episode of Queer Academy now.

Why NZ needs a healthcare hub for transgender people

A new article in the NZMJ says transgender people face several barriers to healthcare.

  • 28 Apr 23

98% of trans teens don't regret gender-affirming treatments: study

Advocates have witnessed the positive impact access to these treatments can have.

  • 25 Oct 22

No, youth aren't trans just because it's 'popular': study

2.4% of adolescents identified as trans or gender diverse in 201, compared to 1.6% in 2019.

  • 11 Aug 22

'Horrifying' some think trans women will ruin women's sport - athlete

Mountain biker Kate Weatherly's comments follow FINA's adoption of a new "gender inclusion policy".

  • 23 Jun 22

Our 10 most popular videos of 2021 for you to binge on holiday

We've rounded up our ten most popular videos you can binge when you need a break from the sun, the family conspiracy theorist, or just recharge…

New law makes it easier for gender diverse people to update the sex on their birth certificate

Previously people needed to prove to the Family Court they had irreversible medical treatment.

  • 09 Dec 21

83% of trans or non-binary people have the incorrect gender on their birth certificate. A proposed…

A look into proposed law changes to Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act.

  • 10 Sep 21

Conversion therapy will be banned, with sentence of up to 5 years’ imprisonment

“There are so many people that will have their lives changed because of this.”

Chants, cheers, and a vogue circle - the Wellington trans rights protest in photos

“Trans Rights are Human Rights” - the Wellington trans rights protest in photos.

  • 16 Jul 21

A near-fatal accident gave me the courage to tell my family I was trans

At 18, Mason nearly died after jumping head-first into a pool drunk. He tells his story.

A billboard in Wellington was part of a ‘dehumanising’ campaign against trans people, activists say

The billboard was removed less than 24 hours later after receiving complaints.

  • 14 Jul 21

Rainbow refugees come to NZ to find safety, but say the system is not built for them

New Zealand welcomes refugees who are persecuted in their home country for being part of the rainbow community. But the experience isn’t always a safe haven. 


Trans people tell us how they fell in love

We meet four gender diverse couples at locations in Tāmaki Makaurau that are special to them, and hear their swoon-worthy stories of how they met and…

  • 26 Mar 21

Miss Arielle: New Zealand’s first trans beauty queen

Meet Miss Arielle Keil, New Zealand’s first transgender beauty pageant queen.

Casting trans actors to play trans characters can change lives

We talk to the cast and crew of Rūrangi about how positive trans representation can save lives.

‘What we are is enough’: the fight to ban conversion therapy in NZ

Sexual diversity and gender fluidity are nothing new in Aotearoa, they’ve always been around.
New Zealand is currently debating whether or not gay conversion therapy should be…

  • 04 Nov 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Takatāpui | LGBTQIA+

Gender fluidity and sexual diversity was an accepted part of Māori and Pacific societies before colonisation.

This episode is about Takatāpui | LGBTQIA+, and how pre-colonial understanding…

  • 04 Nov 19

The trans-exclusionary movement gaining power in NZ

The trans-exclusionary movement has been quietly growing in New Zealand, and this highly-organised campaign has led to deep hurt in the trans community.

In February, a new…

Not a Blanket Approach: Ari's Story

'I never felt like I belonged, I never felt human.' Her Mum died before Ari got the chance to introduce her true self. Ari shares her…