Rediscovering Aotearoa

Illustrations of decolonisation

As part of our series Rediscovering Aotearoa, we asked illustrator Virginia Ngaio to visualise some of the statistics and quotes we featured. They speak of love,…

  • 16 Dec 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Kōrero and Coffee

This week we launched the final episode of Rediscovering Aotearoa – a decolonisation series.

Here are some highlights from our panel chat about decolonisation and race relations.…

The West Auckland Bail House Trying to Keep Māori Out of Jail

The number of prisoners waiting for case outcomes is at an all-time high. Like the wider muster population, Māori account for at least half. A West…

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Manatika | Justice

A Pākehā criminal lawyer sits down with a Māori former-prisoner to talk about Aotearoa’s justice system. Awatea Mita was jailed for a non-violent drug crime. She…

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Aroha | Love

Migrants and Māori are often pitted against each other in Aotearoa. But the March 15th terrorist attacks at two Christchurch mosques showed the power of aroha…

  • 25 Nov 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Aroha | Love

Tyla is a 28-year-old from Ngāi Tahu who converted to Islam six years ago. Saba is Pakistani, and moved to Aotearoa when she was eight. They…

Opinion: Bridges beats up on his own

There’s a slim chance Simon Bridges could become New Zealand’s first prime minister who has Māori heritage.  He’s trying to increase those chances by shitting on…

Will New Zealand’s State Care System Ever be Decolonised?

The state’s child care and protection system is steeped in colonial principles. It has harmed and disenfranchised thousands of Māori. Is change and decolonisation even possible…

  • 18 Nov 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Podcast - Whānau | Family

Between 1950 and 1999, it’s estimated around 100,000 children were taken into state care. The majority of them were Māori, and many of them were abused.


  • 18 Nov 19

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Whānau | Family

When he was four weeks old, Mana was placed into foster care. The first years of his life were marked with fear, violence and isolation as…

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Reo | Language

Ngā Hinepūkōrero are a group of champion slam poets fluent in te reo. They meet Takunda Muzondiwa, who moved to Aotearoa from Zimbabwe as a child,…

Rediscovering Aotearoa: Taiao | Nature

The last bullet of the Land Wars was shot in 1916 at Maungapōhatu in Te Urewera, and the forest was later taken into government control. Atamira…