Rediscovering Aotearoa
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Kōrero and Coffee
This week we launched the final episode of Rediscovering Aotearoa – a decolonisation series.
Here are some highlights from our panel chat about decolonisation and race relations.…
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Manatika | Justice
A Pākehā criminal lawyer sits down with a Māori former-prisoner to talk about Aotearoa’s justice system. Awatea Mita was jailed for a non-violent drug crime. She…
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Aroha | Love
Tyla is a 28-year-old from Ngāi Tahu who converted to Islam six years ago. Saba is Pakistani, and moved to Aotearoa when she was eight. They…
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Whānau | Family
When he was four weeks old, Mana was placed into foster care. The first years of his life were marked with fear, violence and isolation as…
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Reo | Language
Ngā Hinepūkōrero are a group of champion slam poets fluent in te reo. They meet Takunda Muzondiwa, who moved to Aotearoa from Zimbabwe as a child,…
Rediscovering Aotearoa: Taiao | Nature
The last bullet of the Land Wars was shot in 1916 at Maungapōhatu in Te Urewera, and the forest was later taken into government control. Atamira…